Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Almost There. . .

Here are a few photos to celebrate the home stretch of Ezra's pregnancy...
These flowers were given to me by my friend Debbie. She said that by the time they wilted that Ezra would be here. There were iris' and 2 sunflowers in the vase as well. The sunflowers expired, it looks like she may be correct. These green flowers look like they could last another week.

Ezra's space is completed. I need Kevin to put some guards across the shelves so that I can actually have stuff on the shelves (sort of not safe in case of earthquake to have stuff above a baby's bed)...My work is done though.....I love how the 'wading pool' blue and 'chocolate' brown set each other off. It's pretty electrifying. I am glad the color scheme worked out. It was so hard to find a bed that would work. If you're looking for a great portable bed, this one is the bomb. It has a pretty cool sound box that hangs in the corner. It even has a mp3 hookup and night-light.
We like the flip up changing table/hammock, wipes/diaper holder and bassinet insert. It's cool baby gear.

We bought this shelving unit at Ikea for baby's things. It's really handy. I think it was a little $100 with all the bins. They have blue, green, orange/red, and red bins, too. A regular dresser wouldn't have worked with the space we have.

Stay tuned for pictures of Ezra. We are very, very close. This may be my last post before he comes. I may post one more HUGE belly picture for funzies.

will knit for tattoos
ps 118:5